The specifics of the description of the category of space in the Chinese language picture of the world (on the basis of phraseological units of the Chinese language)

  • Борзова Татьяна Александровна

    Tatyana A. Borzova. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Lee Hui

    Lee Hui. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. Each nation throughout its history while creating its own culture formulated specific ideas about the structure of the universe. Space is one of the categories that demonstrates the characteristics of the world order. Accordingly, ideas about space are the most important categories of national culture, since they determine the existence of the person, the society in which the person exists and the entire surrounding world. Space is one of the categories that exists outside of human consciousness, therefore space does not depend on it. The relevance of the topic of this article is due to the chosen aspect of the study – the peculiarity of considering spatial relations in the Chinese language picture of the world. The choice of this topic is determined by the lack of research into the category of space in the Chinese language system. Despite the obvious relevance and high elaboration of certain aspects of this topic, it nevertheless remains insufficiently studied. Particular interest is caused by the specifics of the linguistic material – using the example of phraseological units of the Chinese language the authors aim to designate the national and cultural specifics of the category of space. The subject of the research is the national and cultural specifics of phraseological units with the meaning of the category of space in the Chinese language. The objective of the work is to explore how the category of space is reflected in the phraseology of the Chinese people. The authors of the article were able to present for the first time a detailed lexical and semantic analysis of phraseological units reflecting the national and cultural specifics of spatial relations in the Chinese language. The results of the study can be used in the practice of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, disciplines related to the history and culture of China, intercultural communication, teaching the theory and practice of translation. During the work on the article, the following research methods and techniques were used: continuous sampling, partial sampling, frequency-statistical characteristics of the material, simple quantitative calculation, component analysis method, descriptive-analytical method and its components: generalization, interpretation and classification. In the research process it was revealed that the model of traditional Chinese spatial representations has several sections in which analogies to biological space can be found.
Keywords: Chinese language, language picture of the world, phraseology, category of space, Tao, classification, biological space.